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Mobile Banking Demo

Demonstrates to users of mobile banking app functions on several telephone types
Partnered with Monitise N.America. Customized for several banks,
Bank of Montreal shown here.

Mobile banking, see the Flash version

Mobile banking demo. Bank of Montreal version shown here. Customized for several banks, partnered with Monitise of North America.

Demonstrates to the end consumer mobile banking functions on several phone platforms, includes audio voice over. Was also used as a sales tool to show how the banking app would work, more direct than showing on a phone.

Show mobile banking application in use with voice over audio. Branded and custom functionality for serveral North American Banks.

Year Creation : 2011-2014
Client's Name : Monitize North America
Web Category : User Demo
Contribution : Development, Design & Client contact


This is what the client of the project said

"Luke was the lead developer on numerous web based simulations of our clients' mobile banking apps. It was a very interactive design and development approach, using technologies like Flash, HTML, to create simulations that were animated and incorporated synchronized voice audio. "
David G. -Traction on Demand

Luke was critical in the Client meetings

David G. -Traction on Demand

This is one of several Application Demos I have built

Great return on investment to show a practical demo of a product or a web page.